Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Power of Overcoming Fear

Share this post and help spread the love! The Power of Overcoming Fear written by Bren Koger. I m listening to this amazing audio book while driving in my car called The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.  To illustrate the power of social habits he uses the example of African American civil rights activist, Rosa Parks.  Hers is an amazing story in overcoming fear and the power of social habits. Rosa Parks Overcoming Fear It was 59 years ago yesterday on Dec 1, 1955 when she was on her way to a meeting at her local N.A.A.C.P. about protesting segregation laws when it happened: “she found a seat in the first row of the “colored” section in the back. But after a few stops, the driver ordered her to get up so a white passenger could sit down. Parks refused, and the police were called to take her to jail.” Her ordeal would soon inspire a citywide boycott and a ruling that such segregation was illegal. Learning From Rosa Parks in Overcoming Fear There are so many things to learn f

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