Excel Tips How to Quickly Edit Formulas And Data In Multiple Cells in Excel 2010 In this tutorial we will cover two tips: how to quickly edit formulas, and also how to quickly edit data in multiple cells, all in Excel 2010. How to Quickly Edit Formulas I am sure once you see this tip you will find lots of uses for it. In typical worksheets, there is a great deal of consistency in formulas. They are usually identical in structure, differing only in the actual cells they are referencing within the spreadsheet. But when it comes to relative referencing, most formulas are identical. For example, =SUM(G1:G50) and SUM(H1:H50) are really SUM(the first row in this column to the cell immediately above this formula). When you create worksheets that have formulas with identical structures, it makes copying and editing and understanding your formulas a whole lot easier. To copy a formula, most Excel users type the first formula, then copy and paste it to the other cells. Same goes for editing
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